Yesterday I read a blog post about the 4 Seasons of the Artist, by Cari Cole (@caricole on IG). She wrote how it’s important to understand the dynamic nature of the artistic process so you can know what energy and attention to bring to each phase. This morning, the words nudged me into consciousness.
There’s the gathering season, when creativity will seem low, but new information is assembled and emotions or experiences are processed. A time of roaming and observing. Season 2, she explains, is writing. The fountain is flowing and you have so many ideas you can hardly write them all down.
Which prompted a fond memory.
The day I sat at a table with my best friend outdoors in our garden, surrounded by a whitewashed concrete wall. We both had plates of spaghetti and we decided, in our 6-year-old wisdom, to throw noodles, one at a time, at the wall to see if they would stick. It was a delicious thrill, a moment of pure joy.
This past autumn, I entered the gathering phase. I’m headed into the writing season, but right now, there’s this liminal space. Instead of pasta, I’m flinging ideas at the wall to see what sticks. It’s officially open season on possibilities.
Will it make a mess? I’m sure.
Can I clean it up? Absolutely.
Will I get in trouble? Only if I don’t try.